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Old February 18th, 2014, 01:08 PM   #6
The Corner Whisperer
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Name: Chris (aka Reactor)
Location: Northern KY
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2010 250 (track), 1992 250, 2006 R6 (street/track), 2008 R6 (track)

Posts: Too much.
MOTY 2015, MOTM - Nov '12, Nov '13
Anything specific you want to know? Starting with a C based language is a good thing. The basic language structure of C, C++, C#, Java and JavaScript are all basically the same. If's, else's, for's, foreach's ect... ect... ect... are all basically the same no matter the language. Once you get a handle on language structure, learn OOP. And for god sake, know the difference between high cohesion and low coupling. Sometimes when I am brought in on a project that already has a good start, I will delete more lines of code than I add.

In the development game there are so many shiny objects that can take your eye of the goal. So many different technologies that solve the same problems, so many different platforms to support that each have their quirks.

On some of the multiyear projects that I have been on, the technology platform we chose for the project goes stale or outdated before the project is done. For example; my current project is scraping college web based ATS systems for job posting data and syndicating it. We chose the MS .net platform for the codebase. While .net is not outdated some of the admin screens that I worked up at the time are MVC 2, which is now a couple of versions old. The next major release had to be complete reworked to support MVC 4 w/ razor views and some bits of HTML 5.

Projects get even more interesting when you have to support multiple media types. FLV, AVI and various types of audio files.

Overall, there are 2 major rules to being a good software developer. Be lazy, because someone will change their minds and knowing when to NOT write code, because there are NO bugs in code that doesn't exist.
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