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Old February 18th, 2014, 05:20 PM   #12
The Corner Whisperer
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Name: Chris (aka Reactor)
Location: Northern KY
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2010 250 (track), 1992 250, 2006 R6 (street/track), 2008 R6 (track)

Posts: Too much.
MOTY 2015, MOTM - Nov '12, Nov '13
I don't want to sound too discouraging, everyone starts somewhere. You can accomplish quite a bit with a 3 or 4 months of hard core studies and practical practice at coding. You young cats pick up stuff so fast. There is a wealth of example bits on the web/youtube to use as example, so getting started is not as hard as it used to be.

I got my start a long time ago by doing perl mailer scripts for online forms, since back then... hardly anyone used databases and such. It took me about a month to be confident with it and get my first gig that payed a whopping $50. lol After that, it took me just shy of 2 years to build on my skillz to be hireable as a full time developer. It was about that time, that I felt I could realistically build something that had legs.

Also, it seems that in this "instant perfection" world we live in, companies have forgotten how to grow into themselves. There is nothing really wrong with supporting the core features and adding them on in due time.

Are you making a new dating sight called lol
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