Thread: JenningsGP
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Old November 28th, 2014, 01:58 PM   #1
The Corner Whisperer
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Name: Chris (aka Reactor)
Location: Northern KY
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2010 250 (track), 1992 250, 2006 R6 (street/track), 2008 R6 (track)

Posts: Too much.
MOTY 2015, MOTM - Nov '12, Nov '13

Wow, super fun track day! But I can't recommend it to n00bs to the track. This place is soooooooo laid back, you're on your own after the first 2 laps on the first session. Hell, it's even self bike tech. I am tellin' ya, go somewhere else first before coming here. As much as I enjoy Jennings.... as a coach, this shouldn't be your first track day. UNLESS!!!! You do their school day, then it's ok. My last 2 trips here has been some of the best track time I have ever had. Don't get me wrong. If you have an experienced friend that can tag along, then don't be soooo afraid of coming here.

Aside of that, come here for the fun, the paddock fun, the track, the free electric in every paddock spot, the super cool CR's and some mock races. It's always a good time. There just might be a bonfire at night to keep you warm and good chatter around the fire.

Overall the track is fast, but a 250 can have some real fun in the back section. If you can break into the 1:30's, consider yourself a fast 250 rider.

As far as coaching goes, there aren't alot of CR's . But the ones they have offer some no nonsense coaching, but may not work for the outside the box thinker/learner.

Novice can be FAST! Seriously fast too. Like upper I group FAST, it's no joke. Ride your own ride and there is normally no problems. If there are only a few "fresh & new" track riders in the N group, then it's gunna be fast. imho.... they run two skill groups. Fast and Slow. Also, don't be surprised to see the track photo guy within a few feet of the tracks edge. Bring your visual skills with ya cause ya gotta be able to look through that.

Special Notes:
Track is moto only!!!! And that is awesome that the cars don't tear it up all the time, and the run off is excellently designed for bikes. Be at the gate before 9:55 PM or you don't get in until the next day but you can camp at the gate.
Also, watch your bike's noise level, 104 is the limit and they WILL measure. If you fail, you're DONE!

I WILL be back at this track again soon!!!!!! In fact.... I can't wait.
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