Thread: New to track
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 10:32 AM   #31
The Violet Vixen
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Name: Yakaru
Location: Issaquah, WA & Las Vegas, NV
Join Date: Jun 2012

Motorcycle(s): Perigee (250), Hotaru (250), Saturn (300), Pearl (300), Zero (S1000RR), Chibi (Z125), Xellos ('18 HP4R)

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MOTM - Jun '16
I'll add a bit more to the 2 step/looking info:

Go out on a bicycle or something and look as far down the road as you can at a constant speed. Now look straight down at the pavement. Same speed, but notice how much faster it feels when you're looking straight down?

It's a similar effect with your vision. If you look somewhere sooner then you'll have the time to process what you're seeing and be more sure of where you're going. (There's a caveat though: What happens if you decide to 'see' into turn 4 before you take turn 1?)

But if I decide I want to reach a specific point, get my bike lined up towards it, and have a decent sense of speed/timing of when I'll be there -- I can move my attention on to whatever I want to know about next (which gets to Misti's question)
"most folks racing this bike get it in a competitive state of being with much less invested than you've already put in Saturn." - Alex
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