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Old October 28th, 2013, 05:18 AM   #41
crash 250, get supersport
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Wishing you a speedy recovery, Kevin.

Going to dedicate these next rides on y(our) old 250R to you.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 05:19 AM   #42
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Told you alex would do a better job lol
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Old October 28th, 2013, 07:00 AM   #43
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It is good to see he is a fighter.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 08:26 AM   #44
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Very sorry to read about the accident, but happy to see Kevin is improving.

Keep fighting brother! Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 08:42 AM   #45
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Any more word on how the accident happened and if Kevin was wearing all his gear?
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Old October 28th, 2013, 09:36 AM   #46
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Glad to hear he is improving! Wishing Kevin a speedy and full recovery.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 09:40 AM   #47
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Old October 28th, 2013, 10:05 AM   #48
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Good to see a update!! We will Be praying for him
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Old October 28th, 2013, 12:28 PM   #49
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People have asked "what can I do to help?" Seldom do people in need reach out to tell them. Often times we don't want to bother anyone. Some of you have met me in person and already can tell that I have no problem clearly expressing myself. With that, there is one thing I would like you to do to help. Read this LONG post over and over again to the point where you can recite the main points back to me ( not that you have to). Deal? Will you do that to help me right now?

I am Kevin's Step Dad and raised him during his most formidable, impressionable, and difficult years (teenage males). Before me, Kevin had 2 parents that loved him so much, showed that love, and instilled good values on him. Kevin had nothing but love and opportunity since he was born from all parents regardless of the unfortunate circumstances that created a situation where there are 2 Dad's in the picture. Kevin does have issues of abandonment, but he also had that mitigated by someone embracing him to pick up. Kevin has 2 Dad's that are extremely successful in their professional careers and have lots of good advice and a track record to talk of how to get to success. In different time "spaces" both Dad's have expertise on family raising. Both Dad's have also made mistakes and live with those in their own private hell's each day.

I don't want to speak for Kevin's biological dad, but we are unified on many things. . And if anyone would like to speak to me personally, PM me and I am more than happy to talk to you. I prefer in face conversations, phone, email, texts, then replies to my post in that order as preferred means of conversation. I feel that society has lost intimate communication execution and relies on all of these impersonal communication methods and even that has contributed to the tragedy today. It's easy to hide behind a post or text.

First of all, I want to thank many of you for your well wishes and visits. It truly has been heartwarming. I have personally met several of you and I feel that the people I have met are all very decent, good people. Many of you have tried in the past to help with Kevin and we all know that. I am so grateful to know and experience what quality people Kevin has been blessed with.

I wanted to thank the people who run this board. I believe in many aspects it is a positive thing. I will go more into this later.

Kevin is making steady progress. But it is very bad. It's bad for his life beyond just healing as well. I am on the fence about posting a picture of him in his current state. it is horrifying and will make most of you (even if you don't know him) cry. Why would I do that? Because it's reality and I think many people forget or ignore the consequences of making bad decisions and the reality of the outcome. Motorcycles and riding are not bad. Let me repeat that. Motorcycles and riding are not bad. But when people are not aware, reckless, our promote bad behavior, ANYTHING can be turned into bad.

Kevin loves motorcycles. I love Reserve Quality, Anejo Tequilas. Without me writing a long statement about this, I am sure you can understand the analogy I am about to draw. Drinking Tequila is so incredibly pleasurable to me, but it is a microscopic portion of my life. It is in "check" with me. It has no destructive aspect on my life. Other people have lost jobs and families over it. Same substance.

I have learned that many of you are very successful people. You are in various levels of business, have families, even have cars or even direction in your life. Success has nothing to do with money, education, or car your drive. Success to our family involves doing the best you can do in your capacity, thinking of others, character, having realistic goals that you can be happy living within, healthy, having your priorities straight, etc. From what you know of Kevin, has he been doing that? No need to answer. Just think about this as you read this post.

In the beginning of this post, Havoc asked that no one talk about Kevin's poor decision making. This board has for the most part emphasized safety. I admired that about this board. So why not talk about it? It why we are all here in this thread now. If it helps someone avoid this situation or save some mother from tears, why not talk about that? This tragedy was preventable and I want all of you to really understand that. The preventable action steps should have taken place years ago. I blame myself as well. As hard as I was on Kevin, I should have been even harder. I will continue to try to do the right things for Kevin, even if he hates me for it. It's harder as I rather have him as a friend and like me more, but I know what is right and am comfortable with my motivation.

Kevin is young and although 21, is not quite there yet with maturity and good decision making. He looks up to a lot of you, listens to you, and tries to impress a lot of you. What he fails to see is that the motorcycle portion side of your lives is just ONE small aspect of your lives.

I have read so many posts and videos on this board and across the internet, following Kevin's antics. I even created a fake handle to try to give some advice to try to help. I have seen the videos he has posted. People who care about others don't keep tabs on them. They tend to not care and not do anything or want to know anything about them or what they are doing. With that being said, I don't know if people realize how painful it is to see all of this and people cheering him on or making light of these actions. Imagine the worry and tears his mother would shed witnessing all of this over YEARS. Imagine her now.

We have told him he is not welcome at a dinner because of his reckless motorcycle riding to try to force an action. We lived 5 miles away. Only to have another family member invite him over and make him drive 50 miles in the RAIN on the freeway and not offer to pick him up and dismantled any kind of influence we could exert on this situation in that instance. This being done, knowing he was a new, inexperienced rider, who just posted reckless videos on you tube. Please work with us, not against us, even if it means it won't "feel as good" Caring about someone is doing things for their benefit even if it doesn't feel good and having the courage to do so.

We can only move forward on this current situation. The family is asking the following from all of you to help. A group that seems to influence him tremendously.

We would ask that he is never refer to him as "Honey Badger" ever again. Honey Badgers don't give a f*ck, but he is not a rodent. He is a smart, capable young man and one that should give a f*ck. Had we all pushed him more (key word here is MORE as I know a lot tried) to give a f*ck, maybe this could have been prevented. We will never know.

Please also read this article on another "Honey Badger". Just not finding a lot of positive things when people are referred to as "honey Badger"

Kevin likes attention. When you use the Honey Badger term, we fear that he think its cool. Its cool to almost die and survive. It cool to not care about anything or anyone else, etc. These are not the values of our family.

Don't agree, I understand. Then do it because every time Kevin's mom hears this term, it sends her into a tailspin with hurt, anger, and a whole slew of negative emotions. The Dads feel the same way too, however with me the only emotion you will probably get shown is anger.

Can we think of another nickname? Maybe something that give him more positive traits to strive to exhibit? How about "CFO", "Dad", "Worker Bee". If not, how about just "Kevin". Honey Badger is destructive in our opinion.

The family also asks that no discussion about motorcycles be discussed with Kevin. Right or Wrong, I want every one to think of how this makes the people feel that are with him and have to help him recover due to a motorcycle crash. Anything that glamorizes motorcycles, this accident, or minimizes the destruction caused in this situation really impedes Kevin's healing and hurts the feelings of the family.

Keep in mind I am working on his healing for his LIFE not just this accident and Kevin may not be able to see the other aspects of your lives where this motorcycle business is in an appropriate place and priority in your lives.

The exceptions to this would be discussions you may have with him and his accountability in this situation in this crash and his motorcycle behavior.

For example, I have read a lot about "gear" on here. He was wearing some gear and in those places he was wearing gear, he was the most injured. For example, he was wearing a good helmet. Yet he still has head injuries. In know it would have been worse without the helmet, but it didn't "save him". You need to understand that gear is great, but does not make you invincible. Ironically where he was not wearing "gear" he was not injured too badly or are those areas that were injured to a point where it is life threatening. My point is if you talk about how great motor cycle gear is, Kevin my misinterpret that and think "see how safe I was and with gear its no big deal".

I have seen many of you cry over Kevin. Many of you have seen the family in agony. I would welcome you telling him about that and how worried he made you and how sad. How you saw the other sad and the destruction it has caused. This would be an appropriate discussion about motorcycles to have. Talking about the upcoming MotoGP race is not

When you catch your kid drinking underage you don't say "dont drink gin, but beer and wine are OK, whiskey is bad too." You say "don't drink any adult beverage" You make it really clear. Kevin needs clarity right now and he has not shown a track record of making key distinctions. This is why we ask that the glorification of anything to do with this crash or motorcycles is not discussed. If for anything else, it send the parents into a tailspin. If you are unsure, please err on the side of not talking about it.

And if there are other aspects of Kevin's life outside of motocycles you see as good or bad, I invite you to discuss those with him. His intelligence, kind heart, how people like him. But also some other issues that are destructive in his life that have nothing to do with motorcycles.

When Kevin wakes up, we will all rejoice and be so happy. You will see me do that, BUT you will also see me get serious very shortly. NO ONE deserves what he is in right now and I wish this on no one. But when he recovers, he SHOULD feel some pain, and discomfort. And that is not always physical. Disapproval is uncomfortable too! People tend to not change when they feel comfortable. This family is looking for positive change beyond this accident. And if he has a sore wrist, for example, for the rest of his life to remind him of this, I think he should have that.

Havoc posted the most current update. I feel in my heart he will not die. I also feel this will be a long haul and he has a lot to do.

I look forward to seeing many of you in the hospital and interacting with you and hearing of positive scenarios in the future. Many people talk about how bad this is, I ask that more people do something for Kevin. Even if that just means changing your viewpoint on some things

Many of you have fathers and mothers. Many of those worry about you. Maybe today you can reprint this post and show it to them and tell them it made you want to address some of their concerns. Maybe that is something you could do for me in this hard time and tell me about it? It would break my heart if I ever found out or had to see you where Kevin is right now. You all have control as does Kevin. I believe Kevin needs to exert some control right now on waking up and would appreciate you pushing him to do just ONE thing right now...And that is to wake up from his coma. Just one thing and we will move on to the next after that.

Take care,

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Old October 28th, 2013, 01:07 PM   #50
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I look forward to meeting you Frederick. I think there are some misunderstandings here that should be clarified and we all need to work on this together for Kevin's well-being and for his safety. It's important for us to be supportive of Kevin and his long and bright future and also to be cognizant of who he is as a person and what his values are and work with that to make this as easy as a process as possible for him.
CVMA #531
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Old October 28th, 2013, 02:13 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by kevin2109dad View Post

In the beginning of this post, Havoc asked that no one talk about Kevin's poor decision making. This board has for the most part emphasized safety. I admired that about this board. So why not talk about it? It why we are all here in this thread now. If it helps someone avoid this situation or save some mother from tears, why not talk about that? This tragedy was preventable and I want all of you to really understand that. The preventable action steps should have taken place years ago. I blame myself as well. As hard as I was on Kevin, I should have been even harder.

Frederic I think you have a misunderstanding of why i asked no talk of kevins previous riding habits not be discussed in this thread. I had talked to Andrea before i made that post and said i was going to ask that as i wanted a place where people who cared about kevin could get updates and the family could see how loved he was with the well wishes of others. At no point was i trying to hide or gloss over the safety aspect of riding or riding responsibly. At the time there was little info about the accident and what caused it other then speculation and i did not see where that would have helped this situation. I have always promoted safe riding and learning from mistakes made not only with my own riding but from other riders mistakes or decisions while riding. It is why the crash section of these boards were made so we could all learn and be safer.

Fredreric i truly wish you could have been around us when we all talked to kevin about his riding. It was a conversation we have all had with him many many times. It was never something we encouraged or laughed at or found amusing. all of us have always tried to help kevin and send him in the right direction with both his riding and in other aspects of his life.

Over the past year Kevin has grown and started taking more and more responsibility for his actions and started making better life decisions. not all of them were gold. Truth is you can only show grown person the way, you cant force it on them.

Right now my heart is broken, I always looked at kevin like a little brother and i tried to help him as much as i could, I wanted to keep his friends and loved ones informed of his condition and be respectful to the family.

With that said and with tears in my eyes i will no longer be posting publicly. With his family posting here now i believe there is more then enough people who can give the information about his status and i would rather remove myself then cause any undo heartache.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 02:20 PM   #52
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Hope for a speedy recovery Badger!
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Old October 28th, 2013, 02:29 PM   #53
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Jeff, I know YOU did not make light of safety as well as many others. I could tell that by the way you talked about things at the hospital. But there are more people aside from you that did not talk the same way. There were others that DID along with you. We know that.

Emotions are high right now and the family knows that many of you talked about safety over and over again. Not just to Kevin, but to others. We also know that there were instances where someone would talk about doing something reckless and the group got all over them. You can only do so much.

This is why I feel this board is a good thing.

Off the top of my head, I know that Alex, Max, and Jeff were on Kevin to be safe and to encourage him to make changes. There were others, but I can't name them right now as there is so much on my mind. I know that they also spoke to non motorcycle things to Kevin and tried to help. We were grateful then and are grateful now.

My point in all of this is that your points are valid, and true, and from the best intentions and best places in your hearts. I am just very weary of how Kevin may interpret them or if he only hears portions despite your best, well intentioned efforts.

I can't MAKE you guys do anything, just request. From the people I met, I hope they stay friends with Kevin as they are great guys. (and girls)

I only shared with you the reaction of hearing him referred to him as Honey Badger by his mom and the rest of us and that is not to hard of a stretch to see how any talk of how great motorcycles are in the hospital as the mother sees Kevin's face in a coma due to a motorcycle crash. Perhaps as time goes on, Honey Badger nicknames and motorcycles will bring laughter. The time is just not now in the hospital around the parents. I don't think this is an unreasonable request. The lecture (and who wants a lecture from some old guy?!) about gear was more about how we kind of thought that he would be ok because he talked about gear so much and felt we let our guard down a bit because of it.

Last futzed with by kevin2109dad; October 28th, 2013 at 03:38 PM.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 03:34 PM   #54
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Monday Update

Kevin looked at his mom for a second with an open eye that he opened today. They actually had to sedate him a bit because he was trying too hard to get up. Personally I wish they wound not stop him, but I am far from a doctor and would not thinking of questioning their decisions no matter how I feel.

They took that probe out of his head where they drilled into it to monitor him. They took off all the brain wave monitoring sensors. He has a funny haircut now as they had to sew up the hole. These do not sound like the actions they would take if things were getting worse.

He was scheduled for an MRI today but they cancelled it because they felt there were people more in need. He has had 2 CT scans, but the MRI is more accurate and tells a lot more.

Although disappointing, I see this as positive as if he was in real danger they would have not cancelled the appointment.

They also are scheduling an operation for his jaw on Wed. I think if he was in danger they would not schedule that surgery. I hope I am right because I am just theorizing.

Jeff, I hope you continue to visit with your friends. Make no mistake about it, the family liked your visit and your help and your kindness.

I also hope you will continue to update. It helped as we are all really busy. I don't think people will be complain and say "there are too many updates about Kevin" in this thread.

Sometimes a family member may get overly optimistic or pessimistic or maybe they are just not in a good state of mind. So it's nice to read updates by other people to get a "check" every now and then through their eyes.

I felt Jeff was doing a great job at this. And we have been so focused on us, I never got the chance to say "I am so sorry your are hurting over this as well" Also to the others. It was heart breaking seeing how emotional Alex got. We are sorry for your pain (people on this board) as well
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Old October 28th, 2013, 03:41 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by kevin2109dad View Post
Kevin looked at his mom for a second with an open eye that he opened today. They actually had to sedate him a bit because he was trying too hard to get up. Personally I wish they wound not stop him, but I am far from a doctor and would not thinking of questioning their decisions no matter how I feel.

They took that probe out of his head where they drilled into it to monitor him. They took off all the brain wave monitoring sensors. He has a funny haircut now as they had to sew up the hole. These do not sound like the actions they would take if things were getting worse.

He was scheduled for an MRI today but they cancelled it because they felt there were people more in need. He has had 2 CT scans, but the MRI is more accurate and tells a lot more.

Although disappointing, I see this as positive as if he was in real danger they would have not cancelled the appointment.

They also are scheduling an operation for his jaw on Wed. I think if he was in danger they would not schedule that surgery. I hope I am right because I am just theorizing.

Jeff, I hope you continue to visit with your friends. Make no mistake about it, the family liked your visit and your help and your kindness.

I also hope you will continue to update. It helped as we are all really busy. I don't think people will be complain and say "there are too many updates about Kevin" in this thread.

Sometimes a family member may get overly optimistic or pessimistic or maybe they are just not in a good state of mind. So it's nice to read updates by other people to get a "check" every now and then through their eyes.

I felt Jeff was doing a great job at this.
This is great news Frederick! Thank you for a quick update. Every day he is impproving!

I will do anything and anything i can to help the family and to help kevin to a speedy recovery.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 03:41 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by kevin2109dad View Post
Kevin looked at his mom for a second with an open eye that he opened today. They actually had to sedate him a bit because he was trying too hard to get up. Personally I wish they wound not stop him, but I am far from a doctor and would not thinking of questioning their decisions no matter how I feel.
thanks for the update frederick. great news. he is make real strides in his recovery. the fact that he is trying so hard at this stage and how much progress he has made really shows there is a lot to be hopeful for. i don't know how much you have followed some of the other people who have suffered TBIs that were on this forum or some of the others kevin followed, but kevin is showing a lot of promise for a good recovery. i think we all just need be there for him in whatever way we can. he will be back on his feet before we know it.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 03:50 PM   #57
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All any of us care about and want to focus on is supporting Kevin. I have a feeling that he will learn a lot from this horrific experience all on his own.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 03:53 PM   #58
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This forum is not like any other I have been on. People that you haven't met or will ever meet suddenly feel like family. Please know (Kevin's Family) that we have nothing but the best of intentions and as for my personal feelings about this site, it has helped me become a truely great rider and sadly that means learning from others mistakes. It really hits home when a fellow rider and member of this forum goes down. My wife doesn't understand why it would effect me the way it does upon hearing the horrible news of a rider being seriously injured when I have never met them. I told her that I really don't know but that is how this forum is different than all others. We all take a huge risk riding motorcycles, and for some that risk is something we have to take in order to just get to work, for other's it's just a past time. I am constantly checking in to see if there has been any new updates on his condition and am glad to hear that some progress has been made. Kevin is in our prayers.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 04:27 PM   #59
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I've only just noticed this thread. I'm saddened to hear of this accident.

I hope that Kevin will soon know that this little community is thinking of him and hoping he has a full recovery.

It seems that there are a lot of people who know him and care about him. I'm glad he has that support.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 04:38 PM   #60
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Hey this is Jeff and Sharon's daughter Amanda. Right before my mom and i moved out here Kevin sent me friend requests on Facebook so that i would know someone when i moved out here. I consider Kevin to be one of my friends and i was heart broken to hear about this, but i am very glad that he is doing better. As soon as I'm feeling better i will be up to visit you Kevin.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 06:07 PM   #61
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That's great news.
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Old October 29th, 2013, 07:18 AM   #62
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They have removed a bunch of machines such as the monitor for brain swelling, the camera that watched him 24/7 etc. There is probably 1/3 less monitoring devices than there was before. We all see this as a positive sign.

Kevin should be going in for a MRI this morning so we can can a accurate assessment of true injuries. For those of you that have been through the process, you know they kind of tell you what they "think" in the beginning and it changes. The first step is to stabilize him then they start doing all the other things.

The family is a bit on edge as there is a fear of what the MRI will uncover. I am hoping this is an unfounded fear and a fear that proves to be wrong.

The 2 dads and mother have been pretty demanding on Kevin as they are there. We constantly push him to wake up. Sometimes we forget that this must make him very tired. Because of this the family is requesting no visits that take things past 10 PM. The hospital wants him to rest at night.

However, if there is some exception that needs to be made, for example you are flying in and won't be back and can't see him any other time, please contact one of us so we can make that exception for you. We are all reasonable people.

On a side note, I wanted to ask everyone to be aware of something. One of the values we live by in this family is thinking of other people. When you visit Kevin, you will notice some other patients in other rooms. Patients who are alone, patients that don't get a single visitor over days. Then there are people grieving over a patient and they are all alone crying in the hall. I would ask that you think to yourself "what would Kevin do if he saw that"? I thought about that yesterday and did something about that with the father who was crying outside the first room on the right when you approach Kevin's room. It gave me something to talk about with Kevin afterwards and to thank him for making me stop and think and do something positive because of him (even in his state he can influence me)
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Old October 29th, 2013, 08:46 AM   #63
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Best wishes for the MRI results
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Old October 29th, 2013, 11:33 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by kevin2109dad View Post
They have removed a bunch of machines such as the monitor for brain swelling, the camera that watched him 24/7 etc. There is probably 1/3 less monitoring devices than there was before. We all see this as a positive sign.

Kevin should be going in for a MRI this morning so we can can a accurate assessment of true injuries. For those of you that have been through the process, you know they kind of tell you what they "think" in the beginning and it changes. The first step is to stabilize him then they start doing all the other things.

The family is a bit on edge as there is a fear of what the MRI will uncover. I am hoping this is an unfounded fear and a fear that proves to be wrong.

The 2 dads and mother have been pretty demanding on Kevin as they are there. We constantly push him to wake up. Sometimes we forget that this must make him very tired. Because of this the family is requesting no visits that take things past 10 PM. The hospital wants him to rest at night.

However, if there is some exception that needs to be made, for example you are flying in and won't be back and can't see him any other time, please contact one of us so we can make that exception for you. We are all reasonable people.

On a side note, I wanted to ask everyone to be aware of something. One of the values we live by in this family is thinking of other people. When you visit Kevin, you will notice some other patients in other rooms. Patients who are alone, patients that don't get a single visitor over days. Then there are people grieving over a patient and they are all alone crying in the hall. I would ask that you think to yourself "what would Kevin do if he saw that"? I thought about that yesterday and did something about that with the father who was crying outside the first room on the right when you approach Kevin's room. It gave me something to talk about with Kevin afterwards and to thank him for making me stop and think and do something positive because of him (even in his state he can influence me)
This update is great news and I can tell this is having a deep effect on you. It's great that you're finding ways to make some positives from it. If 10PM is the cut off hour then I think I will be making it down on Thursday night.
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Old October 29th, 2013, 06:02 PM   #65
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We received news today that is not so good. The MRI was completed and we were given the results

Kevin had an MRI done today and he has Diffuse Axonal Injury . There are 3 stages of severity and he has the most severe stage. It occurs when your head is rattled around and neurons are severed in the brain. I am not really in the mood to interpret this, so I will just reconvey the data I was given. 90% of people do not wake up from this.

I am quite blown away by this because if you have noticed in my posts, all of my posts have been from a belief that he would recover and wake up soon.

I will only speak to things I know right now. I know that the 90% is from all people. Sick people, healthy people, people extremely old and weak, etc. Kevin has youth on his side. I personally have seen him move around and respond to things and the doctors told us that this is contradictory to the symptoms. They told us that people with this just lay there. First hand, I have seen how this is not true with Kevin.

Again, we are so grateful for all the support and look forward to meeting more of you face to face.

Please also do not forget Andrea and Kevin Sr. in your thoughts and prayers. I don't know how to get them through this on my own and I feel horrible for Kevin Jr., but them as well.

Please be safe out there. Please
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Old October 29th, 2013, 06:14 PM   #66
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Not exactly the update that I wanted to hear but hopefully you can find some comfort from the following...

We don't call Kevin "Honey Badger" because he does stupid and risky things on motorcycles; we call him that because he believes in himself. He believes that despite the odds he doesn't give a sh*t, like a honey badger, and he puts his all in to achieving. 90% is a very discouraging number - except for a Honey Badger, because Honey Badger doesn't give a sh*t about your number, he's going to make it happen.

Heal up soon Kevin.
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Old October 29th, 2013, 06:21 PM   #67
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Holy ****, no. How is that possible when he's been showing signs of waking up?!?
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Old October 29th, 2013, 06:26 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by ally99 View Post
Holy ****, no. How is that possible when he's been showing signs of waking up?!?
someone has to be part of the 10%
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Old October 29th, 2013, 06:29 PM   #69
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In my thoughts.
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Old October 29th, 2013, 08:12 PM   #70
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10% I would put money on kevin with those odds. Kevin is a fighter and won't give up. I won't give up in beliving in him.
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Old October 29th, 2013, 09:07 PM   #71
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Were all pulling for ya Kevin.
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Old October 29th, 2013, 09:28 PM   #72
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Old October 29th, 2013, 09:51 PM   #73
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I haven't been on this forum in a while and it breaks my heart to finally log on and see this thread and the results of the MRI. Sending healing thoughts your way Kevin.
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Old October 30th, 2013, 07:18 AM   #74
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Reminds me of Jon Broom a couple years back.
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Old October 30th, 2013, 07:38 AM   #75
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He will be the 10%
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Old October 30th, 2013, 09:02 AM   #76
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Really sorry to read this thread today. Kevin (and family) is in my thoughts.
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Old October 30th, 2013, 09:29 AM   #77
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Praying for you Kevin! Make it through brother!
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Old October 30th, 2013, 10:02 AM   #78
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Just stumbled upon this. I am very sorry to hear of Kevin's accident and injuries. Here is hoping and praying he wakes up. And soon.
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Old October 30th, 2013, 10:34 AM   #79
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Poor guy, best wishes to him and his family during this trying time. I never put much stock in numbers really. I got by what I see and my gut.
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Old October 30th, 2013, 11:06 AM   #80
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I had not heard until today. It's been many months since I have seen Kevin and we all care for him very much. Fredrick I feel where you are coming from and the heartfelt message you are bringing. It definitely makes a difference and has people stop and rethink of the bigger picture beyond how motorcycles brought us all together in the beginning. Life is so much more and I am pushing for that 10% chance that he will wake up and kick the nurse saying that hurt.
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