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The In Between

Posted February 25th, 2013 at 11:01 AM by BlueTyke

(I have flickr, just not to sure how to use it just yet, so if you want to go just to the photos without commentary you can go there... Flickr )

Hi! It's been a long time! A long time off two wheels that's for sure. No accidents to report, thankfully, just a bit of stupidity! It is my fault really. I was used to the CA winters where you don't have to do anything to your bike but ride it all year round... Yeah... About that snow in Maryland... You can keep it! So I didn't know about winterizing the bike and I left the gas on... and the gas turned bad and gummed the carbs pretty bad... At that point it was me waiting for my fiancee to fix it and me to have the desire to nag him about it.

Life did move on in this time. A lot of bad things in 2010 happened, we lived, learned, and moved on.. 2011 brought around an engagement! Boyfriend graduated to Fiancee. I have the ring to prove it! Also picked up more on the Photography. Graduating from a Nikon D40 to a...
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September 2010 Monterey Bay

Posted October 7th, 2010 at 05:44 PM by BlueTyke

Some friends and I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium when I was out there handling things with my mom. A few here expressed wishing to see some of my pictures and since I haven't been out on Tyke, I know I know shameful, I figured this might make up for it a little bit...

All pictures taken with a Nikon D40 varying between two lenses, a short range and a long range one.

Upside down Jellyfish:

Same breed of Jelly fish:

I just like the way those pictures look. In fact a lot of these are just... the fact that I like the way they look.

Octipus suckers

Bird skimming the bay (long range lense used)
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My First Snowman

Posted January 21st, 2010 at 05:49 PM by BlueTyke

Phil packing a few more bits in (Just so you know Phil is about six foot tall so that also gives you a good idea how tall the snowman was)

My snowman (Pine cone for a nose, and pipe cleaners for eyes, mouth and arms)

Artsy fartsy snowman

Me (OH! I got a hair cut and got bangs... not that it's important) and the snowman

There.. I enjoyed the big snow. Now I am ready for warmth! Bring it on!
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11-14-2009 Baltimore's Inner Harbor

Posted November 15th, 2009 at 02:00 PM by BlueTyke

My BF and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary over the weekend with a trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor. At the Inner Harbor they have the National Aqurium, along with the Maryland Science Center (which we didn't get to visit) and a few other great attractions. These are not all of my pictures just a select few.

Inner Harbor looking from the Aqurium

A shot with the 18/55 lense:

A close up using the 55/200 lense:

That bird was very patient. Letting me change lenses and everything

Tawny Frogmouth

Jelly fish!

Guess: (taken from the Top of the World in the World Trade Tower of Baltimore, 55/200 lense)
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09-10-25 Susquehana State Park

Posted October 25th, 2009 at 04:04 PM by BlueTyke
Updated October 26th, 2009 at 01:47 PM by BlueTyke

Aka a fall adventure...(If you just wanna see the pictures go here) So I decided it was time to get out. It is a beautiful day and there was certainly plenty to see before winter fully sets in. Where to go was the question. So I did a site search and I found a gpx file that looked good to me, I didn't want anything to long just something to get me out of the house for a few hours.

Everything loaded I tell Zumo to take me there, to the begining. He does. For once not arguing with me. So I start this ride and it takes me up north and the route was going fine until.. dun dun dun... Apparently this route was a little old as there now was no road to turn onto, it was now town houses. And from there nothing he said to me kept me on my selected route.

In following the arrows and purple lines I was able to keep going. Annoyed but I kept going. I Started seeing signs for the Susquehana State park and I started thinking to myself.. Self... That's gotta be better than...
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Sunny's Adventures with Photography - Jenn's wedding

Posted August 10th, 2009 at 10:10 AM by BlueTyke

So one of my good friends on this coast got married. I was invited as a guest but I brought my camera just because, she asked me to . So these are a few of my favorite shots.

I will note that I borrowed a zoom lense from my co-worker it's a 55 - 200.

Bows on the rows

Flowergirl love

The Groom - Phil

Skipping flowergirl (She was so cute!)

The fabulous Wedding Coordinator (Also the Bride's cousin)

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09-08-01 Sunny & Tyke encounter Noche Caliente Pt 2

Posted August 3rd, 2009 at 09:01 AM by BlueTyke

We got down to the 'end' of the fun part and had to go back. Well then... Humm.... Can I go first? Mrs. Caliente described where we were going and Tyke and I were off! I didn't get far before I found a car that was going just a little bit slower than I would have liked.

One of the reasons I had decided to go ahead, aside from taking the corners a little faster, was to take pictures. I knew I could get ahead far enough to take out the Nikon and get some shots

My choosen spot to catch these crazy two fiddies in action

Here they come


Mrs. Caliente
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09-08-01 Sunny & Tyke incounter Noche Caliente Pt 1

Posted August 3rd, 2009 at 08:58 AM by BlueTyke

Photos only

Today was a long time coming. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. It turned out the fates agreed. It was time to meet Noche Caliente!

On top of knowing that I knew it was going to be a long day. As it turned out I was right!

Time to get underway 6:00am wake up time to be out the door by 7am. I sprang Tyke from storage the night before and had her buckled down to my civic so I wouldnt have to fight with storage.

The day started out nicely I headed out with little to no traffic. I was doing good on time. When I reached the DC area I realized I had forgotten my phone at home! That was desasterous because I knew I was going to get it in the end as no one could get ahold of me. Never mind the fact that where I was riding there wasn't much signal. Either way. I got a scolding when I got home and told that if I forget my phone again it'll be the couch. So nice to know he cares.

Anyway back on...
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09-04-21 Admin Assistant Appreciation

Posted April 21st, 2009 at 04:19 PM by BlueTyke

So I got flowers for Administrative Appreciation and then treated to lunch. Of course I could not resist taking pictures of my flowers...A few of my favorite pictures:

I liked how the stems were blury and the background part of the flower is sharp

so for lunch we headed over to the Peabody Institute. For more info on the Institute go here. In short though it is a music school owned by Johns Hopkins....
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Sunny & Tyke revisit Pretty Boy Dam

Posted April 19th, 2009 at 10:02 AM by BlueTyke

09-04-18 Pretty Boy Dam

It was a week full of ups and downs and so the only solution for that was a ride. For a while I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to ride today because… I had purchased a seat cover for my Tyke and it was in the process of being installed by Phil. Luckily at 10pm on Friday night he shows me the completed piece! Now the seat looks well and good all on it’s own but really it looks much better on Tyke..

Before: (Port deposit ride)


I am happy with the end result. It would have been perfect if the blue matched but I think it is close enough and it certainly...
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